app development
and keeping track of all attractions and itineraries
while planning the trip on one platform.

UX Research
The problem...
This App wishes to present a solution to this problem. hopefully in an easy simple way.
I made some quick research on what is already on the market.
I picked 3 leading Apps:

Tripadvisor seemed to be a very good app that answers most travelers’ demands. yet I haven’t found an app that addresses the topic of time management between the different attractions. Trip advisor had a flaw in the ease and simplicity of the design, it acted more like a blog, and it wasn’t easy going to the “journal” to see what attraction there is on the schedule.
Target Audience
To define the Target Audience I needed to categorize them according to 3 categories :
- Long trip (over 8 days)
- Short trip (less than 7 days)
- Same location
- Multiple locations
- independent
- with agent or guide
Main groups:
Independent traveler
Dependent traveler (wants to try)
then these two main group breakdown to these 3 sub-groups :
with kids
without kids
Business trip
Leisure trip

Tal -21 years old-, After 3 years of army service and is preparing for the “trip”, he is very sporty and loves attractions
And diversity, the most important thing to Tal is that things go as planned, he just hates dead time.
Hobbies: Rugby playing at the weekend, extreme sports, loves action movies (“Die Hard”
His favorite movie of all time).
user story:
Tal is looking for an app for planning the trip, he is looking for an app with the option to collect and organize
The attractions and deploy them for the duration of the trip. Tal is looking for an ordering app
Accommodation, but it needs to be linked with the location of the attractions.
Dana and Nir -a couple in their 30s- up till the birth of their son Imri they always traveled alone, in a car,
between different cities and countries with lots of attractions and without any worry about accommodations, worst-case scenario If they can’t find accommodation, they’d sleep in the car.
Today they are eager to return to traveling but with an 8-month-old baby, they are worried about this style of travel,
and prefer to plan the trip ahead, while choosing times that will be comfortable and suitable for the baby without giving up on the things they loved to do before.
user story:
Dana is looking for an app for planning the trip, which links accommodation with destinations and attractions. She is worried that they are traveling with a baby and is afraid to book attractions in advance so it will be too tight without enough time between one attraction and the other, in addition, she is looking for an app that keeps track of all the sites and hotels and attractions, like a diary or a schedule so that she can clearly see what awaits them every day.

User scenario

User questionnaire
1. Are you planning a trip? What is the most important thing for you to determine in advance?
A) Accommodation
B) Attractions
2. Are you interested in sharing the trip with others?
A) No, prefer to maintain privacy
B) Yes.
C) It does not matter to me.
3. What level of safety are you interested in?
A) Register for the app through social networks Facebook / Google.
B) Personal identification, unlinked account.
4. Are you interested in offers (accommodation/attractions)?
A) I prefer to choose for myself.
B) I would love suggestions.
5. When searching for places do you want to get
Information about other people’s search / ranking?
A) Yes.
B) no.
6. What data do you agree to share? (You can mark more than one answer)
A) Personal details (date of birth, sex, address, telephone)
in location.
C) Planned trip.
D) Travel history.
7. Which of the following options will make you use the app more?
(You can mark more than one answer)
A) Map available without reception
B) Organizing the trip in one diary (accommodation and attractions, restaurants and more …)
C) Percentage meter (how full the trip is)
D) Travel history.
that represent travel and trips.

The logo design
the logo was designed from two elements:
- the first element is the letter T stands for Travel and is shaped like an airplane
- the second element is the red dot, which represents the spot/location on map.
Color Paletta
the blue and green colors were picked to imphsis the vastness and open spaces
the red represent emotion to the location and the target of our desire







Fonts :
I’ve chosen 3 fonts for this project.
2 from the san-serif family “Roboto” “Antarctican Headline”
The san-serifs are perfect for texts, they are clear on all platforms and different screen sizes.
The Serif font I chose for the titles, is the font “Elephant”.
this font was chosen to add a bit of character to the project and to add a feeling of private journal.

the Wireframe plan include :
landing screen
main menu
search screen
result screen
and the schedule plan